Be Sustainably Fashionable
This info was correct at date of posting
What: Be Sustainably Fashionable |
Jasmina Thomas Hannah Macinante Martin Nguyen Tasnim Shifa Rebka Bayou Shivani Patel |
Where: Online |
Why: We will be making a short video presentation and Kahoot quiz to raise awareness of the Degrowth & Voluntary Simplicity concepts and the environmental dangers of fast fashion. It will assist to educate the public in these areas and promote more sustainable choices regarding fashion. | When: Expo Presentation on 25/05/2021 | Other: |
This organizer encourages: Cooperation & Shared Ownership
All Activity Comments
(jasmina_thomas 25/05/21)
Write Blurb:
Hi all, below is what I have written for the blurb...
‘Be Sustainably Fashionable’, developed this project to create a discussion and address the underlying issues of consumption whilst focusing on the fast fashion industry. Our group produced a video and a survey to educate individuals about the damaging effects that high-consumption levels have on the environment and humanity. The project integrates the Degrowth and Voluntary Simplicity concepts as a framework to promote and encourage more sustainable alternatives regarding our future consumer choices.
(TasnimShifa 25/05/21)
Replace Kahoot with Survey:
Hi Jessica, I've just read the survey and I think it looks pretty good! I like all the questions, they all flow with each other :)
(RebkaBayou 25/05/21)
Write Script:
Thanks for that! You guys made such awesome points it really made writing the script super easy :)
(JessicaDance 25/05/21)
Replace Kahoot with Survey:
Hi Shivani,
Thanks for the feedback!
The suggestion for question 2 is great, thank you! I agree, it is too direct and needs rewriting.
Thanks for the suggested order as well! Its great to get another opinion on it, I was thinking it wasn't flowing as well as it could!
That was the aim with question 12, I thought it would be good to end on a really positive note, encouraging individuals to take action in light of what they have reflected on throughout the rest of the survey.
(JessicaDance 25/05/21)
Replace Kahoot with Survey:
Hi Jasmina,
Thanks for the feedback! I like your idea of combining question 10 and 11, they are both focusing on positive actions individuals can take in response the impacts of fast fashion.
(jasmina_thomas 25/05/21)
Replace Kahoot with Survey:
Hay Jess, In regards to removing 2 questions. Maybe combine 10 and 12 together to make one question. For example, fast fashion has humanitarian effects that involve the exploitation of workers in developing countries and environment issues. Moving forward; which of these options, if any, will you try and incorporate into your consumer habit?
Then list the options you had for question 12.
Or something like that.
(ShivaniPatel 25/05/21)
Replace Kahoot with Survey:
Hi Jess, thank you for doing that! They are looking really good.
There were just a few minor English things (though you are probably still editing so sorry if you knew these):
- Q1) influence's --> influence
- Q2) option 2 - though --> thought
- Q2) perhaps for option 2 we could say 'have you ever thought about...' so it doesn't sound too attack-y
- Q10) option 3 - swamps --> swaps. Do you think this question should have a 'tick all that apply' as both options 2 & 3 could apply?
Just in terms of the order, maybe we could structure it so it starts with the individual consumer level, moves on to the environmental effects, and then has the solutions/concepts. So, questions in order: 1, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 3, 4, 5, 11, 12, so it flows more. Anyone can totally disagree with me here by the way!
They all look really great though and cover all our concepts really well. I especially thought question 6 was a good way for a person to honestly reflect on their fashion choices. I also think 12 is the perfect final question as it encourages people to take away something from the survey and take practical steps. Thank you for doing this!
(jasmina_thomas 25/05/21)
Find Image:
I like this image. It captures the damaging cycle that fast fashion is. I think it goes well with the project, as our aim is to stop the numerous negative impacts on the environment as well as the societal/humanitarian.
(jasmina_thomas 25/05/21)
Replace Kahoot with Survey:
Hi Jess, I’ve read through the survey. I like all the questions and I think they cover all the concepts/ issues that we are trying to convey in the project. The survey provides a reflective journey for individuals to analyse their lifestyle habits.
Just one thing, for question 10, you have “fast fashion had humanitarian”. I think it should be changed to “has” instead of “had”. But other than that, it’s a good survey.
(JessicaDance 25/05/21)
Replace Kahoot with Survey:
Hi everyone,
Here is a preview of the survey. The free option only allows 10 questions, however, currently the survey has 12.
Before I finish editing it, I have attached the link to the preview of the survey here, if anyone has any thoughts on the questions and their order, let me know and I will edit accordingly.
(ShivaniPatel 24/05/21)
Find Image:
Thank you guys, I agree. I wanted it to be positive in that regard, as to inspire others rather than scare/guilt them. I think that image does that well, as well as capture the 3 areas we are discussing
(Hannah 24/05/21)
Find Image:
Love this pic! It presents some of the negative externalities of fast fashion: the ecological impact, the human rights abuses and the wastefulness. Great find!
(MartinNguyen 24/05/21)
Find Image:
Hi Shivani! That picture is perfect for our project as it encapsulates everything we're covering!
(JessicaDance 24/05/21)
Find Image:
I think that's a great image!
It capture the concept of reusing and recycling, which is what we are trying to encourage through rethinking our fashion choices.
It also shows that the project has a holistic approach, there are environmental and humanitarian aspects to fashion, and any initiative in that area should integrate both components.
(ShivaniPatel 24/05/21)
Find Image:
Hi guys, I am looking/creating images now. Will post my ideas and let me know which one!
(ShivaniPatel 24/05/21)
Find Image:
NEW JOB LISTED FOR Be Sustainably Fashionable
...Find Image has been added (ShivaniPatel - 23/05/21)
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