2021 Sustainable Futures 
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Are Renewables Really the Answer?

This info was correct at date of posting

What: Are Renewables Really the Answer? Who: Pandora Frankham-Sullivan
Bethany Maclean
Caitlin Hopper
Where: Online
Why: A website and survey will be used to raise awareness about the ineffectiveness of new technologies in solving issues surrounding climate change as they support growth systems, ignoring the deeper issues in social structures. By using conflict transformation to address the tension between economic growth and ecological limits, we hope to encourage a dialogue to produce sustainable social change. When: Expo Presentation 25th May 2021 Other:

All Activity Comments

(CaitlinHopper 25/05/21)
Post project to EXPO: Hey guys! Just an update, I posted our project on the EXPO site under the Consumer to Conserver topic. Reply
(CaitlinHopper 25/05/21)
Post project to EXPO: JOB SELECTED ...May wk: 4 | Reply
(eleonore 25/05/21)
Post project to EXPO: Hey, I think it looks great! Reply
(CaitlinHopper 25/05/21)
Post project to EXPO: Hey guys! I put together our post for the EXPO Wix site. Please have a look and check you are happy with our whole presentation. I will upload it later this afternoon so we are prepared for the EXPO presentation tomorrow. Reply
(CaitlinHopper 24/05/21)
Post project to EXPO: Hey guys! I'm happy to upload our project! I published the site and here is the URL: https://sfgroup2021.wixsite.com/renewablesnotanswer Although the survey can be completed through the website here is the link to that as well that we can post: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdeJLWzt6wGJc4TKgf0ao2SI-aEhycf5NH4fwWf3-wsF-M_2w/viewform?usp=sf_link I agree, when we upload our presentation, I was thinking our project probably aligns the best with the 'Consumer to conserver' section. Reply
(bethanymaclean 24/05/21)
Developing the Home Page: I love this idea!!!!1 Reply
(pandorafs 24/05/21)
Post project to EXPO: Hey guys. Once we are all complete, one of us needs to post our website to the EXPO website (https://sustainablefutures7.wixsite.com/website-1) I think we could put our project in the 'Politics of paralysis', 'Consumer to conserver' or 'Land Issue' section. Reply
(pandorafs 24/05/21)
Post project to EXPO: NEW JOB LISTED FOR Are Renewables Really the Answer? ...Post project to EXPO has been added (pandorafs - 23/05/21) Reply
(pandorafs 24/05/21)
Developing the Home Page: Here is my blurb for the conflict transformation page. Conflict Transformation theory is a process which can be applied to address this tension between economic growth and ecological limits. By mapping this conflict, we are able to uncover the deeper structural layers at play with this issue and address how the current narrative is lacking an understanding of these deeper issues. The various Conflict Transformation methods encourage effective processes to produce sustainable, long term social change. Let me know if you think I should expand or if you have any other perspectives? Reply
(pandorafs 24/05/21)
Developing the Home Page: I think that's a great idea and a way to draw our audience in! Reply
(pandorafs 24/05/21)
Developing Survey Questions: Hey! Here are my survey questions. What do you guys think? 1. Conflict is a catalyst for social change a. Strongly agree b. Agree c. Somewhat d. Disagree e. Strongly disagree 1 a) Why/why not? 2. Using conflict transformation techniques would be effective with this issue f. Strongly agree g. Agree h. Somewhat i. Disagree j. Strongly disagree 2 a) Why/why not? I'd really like to add the why/why not section to hear what the respondents have to say, if our website has made a difference to their thinking. Reply
(pandorafs 24/05/21)
Develop the Conflict Transformation page: Hey guys, I've finished my webpage for Conflict Transformation. Let me know what you think - if you'd like me to add anything else. I've added some diagrams and a video to make it appealing for our viewers and easy to digest. I also added a link to a great resource for some extra info if they are interested. Cheers. Reply
(eleonore 24/05/21)
Develop Politics of Paralysis Page: All fixed up! Thanks so much :) I didn't notice it Reply
(eleonore 24/05/21)
Developing Survey Questions: Yes, that sounds like a really good idea, I just wasn't able to come up with another possible answer, thanks :) Reply
(CaitlinHopper 24/05/21)
Develop the land issue page: Hey Bethany! I saw your content for the Land Issue Page I think it's great. I think you've demonstrated how the land issue locks people into capitalist growth-based systems. This in turn locks people into a belief in using green technologies and as we are proving, relying on green technologies and renewables to save us is a gamble we can not afford to take. Reply
(CaitlinHopper 24/05/21)
Developing the Home Page: Hey! I had a thought for the home page to make it more engaging for the audience. I found a short clip from the introduction of the Disney movie WALL-E (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nLx_7wEmwms). In the opening minute the clip comments on the inability of renewables (wind and nuclear) to combat consumption and waste. This ultimately leads to a planet that is inhabitable. Maybe we could include this to give visual representation to the core of our topic as Disney makes a social commentary about our need to change our consumption habits. Let me know what you think! Reply
(CaitlinHopper 24/05/21)
Developing Survey Questions: I really like your questions about the Politics of Paralysis! Would you do a textbox answer for question 1? I think we should maybe include another answer for question 2... maybe c) individual, community, global Reply
(CaitlinHopper 24/05/21)
Develop Politics of Paralysis Page: Hey! I think this is really good. The only change I think that needs to be made is to watch your spelling of Hickel in the intext referencing. There are a few times where the author is referred to as Hickle. Just make those few changes and then I think it is ready to go on the website! Reply
(bethanymaclean 23/05/21)
Also, I've attached my content for the land issue page. let me know what ya'll think and if there is anything I can change/fix. Thanks!!
(bethanymaclean 23/05/21)
Hey guys here is my blurb :) - The land issue looks into land privatisation and its impact on sustainability and climate change. It aims to destigmatise public housing and explore previous cultural economies that have been ignored and discarded by western societies. Through the incorporation of green technologies developed worldwide, hopes to build a more sustainable system, lessening our dependence on economic growth.