Hope Street - 15 & 21 
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Going Solar

Posted by chrisbaulman on 28/09/11
There's been some discussion about the possibilty of Solar for our complex. It would be good to discuss the possibilities and document our progress here.

An account of what's happened so far and peoples' ideas would be a good start.

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Recent Comments:

chrisbaulman      18/11/11
Something that might come in handy if we ever decide to take this solar thing further. Chris
Paulajane      05/11/11
If we don't come to the end of ours first I expect. No I thought of something a little more proactive, like you did with the bushfire thing, ringing around checking the possibilities etc etc.
chrisbaulman      04/11/11
Looks like we do have the makings of an interested group already, judging from the replies. When the word spreads about Village we will probably have most people in Hope St on board ... and since Village is on line as gets spread, it would be likely that residents of other Wentworth CH properties would also be keen. With that sort of support from tenants throughout the Mountains we should be able to get a policy in place for solar heaters to replace electric water heaters when they come to the end of their lives! Is that what you are suggesting here Paula or something else?
Paulajane      03/11/11
As I wrote at the end of the minutes - is anyone interested in forming a group/collective with a name to deal with Wentworth Housing or other organizations in terms of solar?
AlexBaumann      22/10/11
Thanks Paula - good to have a consolidated record of what happeneded about this here.
Paulajane      22/10/11
Alex asked me to put these minutes up for the first meeting we had on solar power. I don't know who did the second minutes, I think Jane from Housing but I'm not sure

RosemaryBurns      14/10/11
Hello all,
Yes, I would also go with solar and especially as it would make our electricity bills cheaper.
AlexBaumann      07/10/11
Anthony (who's computer has recently broken) wanted me to add that he has been thinking about solar hot water for a long time. In fact he tells me that soalr hot water was discussed extensively when Bob Carr was in government and he ended up making a committment to install solar hotwater in all public housing because he thought it made so much sense - so there is some good groundwork done here.
Rosie7      06/10/11
Replacement of old electric hot water services with solar heating is a great idea. I wonder if WCH would be agreeable to that?
AlexBaumann      30/09/11
For the reasons you suggest Chris Solar hot water might be a great focus here. I'd certaintly get behind this idea.